Atticus is not for profit and supports Tasikoki Animal Rescue Centre. Donate via our Simply Giving page.
Atticus sells secondhand books but also has a small stock of vinyl and CDs, small musical instruments and other odds and ends.
Atticus, the window, noticeboard and venue, is free to use by writers, artists, musicians and good causes. The centre table folds away and the shop can be transformed onto a small venue suitable for solo musicians, storytellers, talks and film shows. There is no charge for using Atticus, though a donation of cash or stock or help is always appreciated.
Contact info.
To contact Atticus please use the form below, email or text.
mob. 07976 823759
email: [email protected]
“You might not see things yet on the surface, but underground, it’s already on fire.”
Y.B. Mangunwijaya
mob. 07976 823759
email: [email protected]
“You might not see things yet on the surface, but underground, it’s already on fire.”
Y.B. Mangunwijaya
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